
An inimitable play of nature and culture, constitutes the attraction of the Salzburg country and the salt chamber property. The mountains whether ice-covered or with full meadows, the view fast pulled on itself. Between them embedded the many lakes resplendent in green and blue tones lie. The dismantling of salt, precious metals and marble accelerated and coined/shaped settling the area.

Celts, Romans and Bajuwaren contributed in each case to a cultural bloom. The villages and markets with the baroque formed churches and the bulky houses, in addition, the few cities remained visible contemplative.

That Italian a seeming character in the state capital Salzburg, stands with the spacious places, the powerful cathedral and the Residence including new building in the contrast to the medieval close lanes and houses.

In the 19.Jh. when the welfare strength of the brine was discovered, developed rapidly health resort. Bad Ischl became one the most important, not least, because emperor Franz Joseph stayed here over sixty years to the summer-resort in the Kaiservilla. Today that is buried into the background.

But more than seventy lakes lure people for swimming, dipping, rudders, sails or being lazy. On a surface of 7154qkm, live about 8 per cent of the Austrian national territory 525000 inhabitants, on it two thirds on the country and a third in the city. Still approximately 80 percent of the population is catholics.